I ran across a team of mostly women tonight, new to the Tuesday night 8-ball travel division. The highest rank on the team was 4, 3, 2, 1 and 1.
Here's a classic scenario I'm guessing happens way too frequently: There was an adorable little brunette that called a time out the last game and no one, I mean NO ONE, on the team could give her one. They just all kinda sat there, shaking their head saying "We don' know what to tell you." so she had to turn around and shoot a random shot. Seriously. And if you guessed nothing went, bingo. (BTW, a nice guy on my team had already coached her through two shots, but I guess my team thinking enough is enough just left it to them for the final game.)
This team needs you! They've got two or three slots open and are VERY willing to accept help. They play out of "The Getaway" and are a fun loving bunch of ladies with a few gents. If you are not to busy bringing sexy back and are interested or know someone that would be a hero for the group, let me know! dawn@8ballexpress.com
FULL DISCLOSURE: At this point in the session, they are in last place, but not by much. There is still time to be a hero if you know of one.