Friday, June 19, 2009

About Time for My Own Cue

After years of playing with a house stick, I've been convinced I need my own. So, as of now, I am causally looking to buy a pool cue. Not really my 1st, but it's the 1st I'll own in a long time.
Basics of What I Want:
  • 19.5oz weight
  • Linen Wrap
  • Wood with inlays
  • Not sure what type of tip I want/need

Suggestions? Know of anyone selling a used one? Email me at or 704-654-1522. Thanks!

1 comment:

ESLAM UWK said...

هل تريد الشراء من افضل شركة اثاث مكتبى
موجودة في مصر يوجد الكثير من الشركات مثل شركة ستار وود تحتوي الشركة على مجموعة متنوعة من اشكال الاثاث المكتبي تناسب جميع الاذواق .